Airfield Joining Procedure

Inbound aircraft MUST broadcast on 122.5MHz when inside the CTR and will normally be advised by ATC to change frequency to 122.7MHz when they have the airfield in sight.

When no ATC is on duty, do a TIBA broadcast on 122.7MHz when you have the airfield in sight.

As per SACAA Regulations 91.06.12:

  • Aircraft shall join the circuit at an altitude of 2000ft AGL. 
  • Aircraft will observe the traffic pattern/wind direction overhead the Airport and then descend on the “non-active” side so as to join the circuit on a crosswind position at an altitude of 1000ft AGL.
  • Standard left-hand circuits at an altitude of 1000ft AGL  will be flown for both runways at all times.

No aircraft may be parked within the refueling area in such a way as to impair the access to the fuel bay or access to the hangers in the area. Aircraft parked for refueling may never be left unattended, and only the PIC will be allowed in the refueling area.

Please adhere to general AIRMANSHIP rules and be courteous at all times.

Circuit Pattern

Airport Info

  • ID: FASD
  • Surface: Hard
  • Runway 02
  • Runway 20
  • Elevation: 50 ft AMSL
  • Dimensions: 4655 x 82 feet / 1419 x 25 meters
  • Coordinates (Runway 02): S32°58.23′ / E17°58.18′
  • Coordinates (Runway 20): S32°57.46′ / E17°58.14′ 
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